Please join us Sat. September 16, at 10 a.m. at the Evendale Recreation Center for our first meeting of the fall. What did you do this summer? Did you attend a conference? Go on an awesome trip? Buy a really neat new calligraphy tool? Come, show us. This is our normal meet and greet meeting and everyone is welcome to attend. Food, festivities and door prizes. Feel free to invite and bring friends. If you have any ideas for upcoming meetings or classes, let us know, we have many TBD (to be determined) on our dates to the left.
Please note: Due to a scheduling conflict, this meeting is at the Recreation Center which is one driveway farther on Reading Rd. The Rec Center is on the other side of the pool from the Arts Center, and behind the fire house.
We have a busy year ahead, some things are still in the planning stages and we will need volunteers for some of the events.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.
All meetings are held at 10 a.m.
There is no charge to attend.