Please join us at 10 a.m. Saturday, November 16 at the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion for the monthly GCCG meeting. Come an hour early for  study of the Italic Hand with Karen McMannon.
Just in time for the holiday season, we’ll be exploring envelope addressing. If you have envelopes bring them, if you don’t we will have extras. Bring your favorite writing fluids and tools.
Start cleaning out your studio. If you have doubles of something, or you tried something and didn’t like it, bring it. You can sell it, swap it or give it away. The Guild has has a few donated supplies that we will have available for sale to raise money for the Guild.
At 9:00, prior to meeting, the lesson is diagonal letters and spacing those letters that tend to stand too close and those that keep a distance. If you are new at this or if you would simply would like a refresher, you are welcome to join in.
Letter of the Month
Last letter of 2019 is the first letter of the alphabet – the ever versatile A.
Bring what you saw and liked or one of your own experimentation – to share on “SEE TABLEâ€.
As a side note, is anyone participating in Callivember? If so, show us your stuff, send a photo to paintjar@me.com or to our IG guru, Amy at snewoa@gmail.com. Not sure what that is, it’s kind of like Inktober, but more for calligraphy. You can find the daily prompt words here:
Thank you!
Our participation in Books by the Banks was a great success as usual. Over 450+ bookmarks were personalized by members, Kathryn Darling, Karen McMannon, Marlene Steele, and Ben Jeschke. A big shout out to Kathryn’s son, Michael, for the wonderful light set up and hanging with us all day.
More thanks!
To everyone who paid dues, whether by check, PayPal, cash or even Venmo, it is greatly appreciated and our bank account is looking a little bit healthier. I believe we are around 27 members now and we will be setting up a member portal on the Web site for those who cannot make a meeting but may want access to the handouts / information. This is in process and we will let you know when it’s up and running.
Of interest: TODAY!
Our friends at CBAS (Cincinnati Book Arts Society) wanted to let us know that their next meeting may be of interest to our members. They meet this weekend and space is limited, but here is the info. Paper Weaving for Book Binders. Click the link below for more information.
Of interest
Our friends at CBAS (Cincinnati Book Arts Society) wanted to let us know that their next meeting may be of interest to our members. They meet this weekend and space is limited, but here is the info. Paper Weaving for Book Binders. Click the link below for more information.
Dues reminder!
It’s never too late to pay your dues. If you are unsure if you are current, just reply to this e-mail and I will check for you. To make it easy, here is the link to our Web site:
You may, of course, mail a check made out to GCCG to 9467 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.