Well, I think most of us are still reeling and feeling the grief of losing our beloved Karen, calligrapher, teacher, friend, advocate for the calligraphic arts. What better way to honor her would be to have a meeting of lettering. Please join us for our regularly scheduled meeting, Sat., February 17 at 10 a.m. Bring all the tools you’d like to write with, your nicest paper, maybe an item or two of what you were able to snag at the studio closing sale. We will each take a letter of the alphabet, make as many variations as you’d like. Try a new Hand, or your favorite one. At the end of the day we’ll put together a sample poster similar to the ones that the Calligraphy Masters made with their membership.
Whatever paper you choose, we’ll rule them into 2 inch squares so everyone’s will be approximately the same size. While we letter we can tell stories or memories of Karen and what she meant to each of us.
Lettering on Saturday: Karen would approve.
Thank you everyone who has renewed their membership. Between that and the studio sale, our treasury is a bit healthier for the first time in a few years. Which means, we can think about hosting a 1-day or 2-day weekend workshop. So, think about some subjects you’d like to explore for a longer amount of time than our 2-hour meeting times.
For those who still would like to pay you may use this link from our Web site to pay via PayPal with a slight service charge. Conversely, if you would like to write a check to the GCCG and bring it to the meeting on Nov. 18 or you may mail it to me, GCCG, c/o Jennifer Carroll, 1285 Stubbs Mill Rd., Lebanon, OH 45036.
If you are on the fence about sending your $30 dues, let me tell you what your charitable donation helps the GCCG do.
- Pay for our meeting space at the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion, at $25 each meeting.
- Pay honorariaum to our monthly presenters. (Although many do not take it and we thank them for that)
- Printing of any brochures and other items needed for the events that we participate in.
- Lastly, our library is available to members.
- List your name and business on our Web site for referrals.
- We are 503(c) (I hope I have that number correct) charitable organization so your dues are tax deductible.
We haven’t collected dues in 3 years due to Covid, and not meeting for much of that time, and while we have some money in the treasury, around $1,400, it won’t last forever and will prohibit us from expanding programming. We’d love to be able to bring internationally known calligrapher’s to town for weekend workshops, or maybe for Zoom workshops. Another way you can help is by registering your Kroger Plus card and choosing The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild as your designated charity. We then get a percentage from each purchase made at Kroger. Currently, one family, mine, is contributing to this. We get a check from the program every 6 months or so.
Stay Creative. Stay Safe. Be Well.
All meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion, 3270 Glendale Milford Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241, unless otherwise noted.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.