Are we tired of snow yet?
Well, I love snow, but I know we probably won’t have too much more, so let’s make some snowflakes of our own. Please join us this Saturday, February 17, at 10 a.m. at the Evendale Cultural Arts Center for a fun meeting on snowflakes. We will experiment with letters cut into paper snowflakes and also with mandala-style snowflakes.
Please bring:
- Scissors
- Bone folder if you have one
- X-acto knife, craft knife or scalpel with a sharp (new) blade
- Self-healing cutting mat, if you have one; otherwise, bring a piece of cardboard on which you can cut, such as the back of a tablet.
- Smooth watercolor paper like Arches Hot Press or drawing paper, or even colored paper as in the sample, but marker paper works fine too.
- Your favorite lettering nibs
- Colors of your choice, I used white (Dr. Martins BP, or pen white), silver, blues, but also used jelly roll pens and brush lettering
- Grid paper for planning your word(s)
- Masking or white tape
- Pencil
- A light box if you have an easily portable one.
The guild will have paper for the folded snowflakes, and do not worry if you don’t have something on the list, most of us will bring extra.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher‘s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.
All meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the Evendale Cultural Arts Center, 10500 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45241, unless otherwise noted.
Please note: Entrance into the Center is only accessible by going north on Reading Rd.
There is no charge to attend.