Happy New Year!
Please join us at 10 a.m. Saturday, January 18 at the Bell Tower Arts Pavillion for the monthly GCCG meeting. Come an hour early for study of the Italic Hand with Karen McMannon.
Dry Brush Technique
Member, David Ogden recently took a workshop with Loredana Zega and learned this technique, and he will share some of the info and technique with us to see if we can get the beautiful textured image on black paper. Bring a half inch wide flat brush and any gouache you may want to work with. The thicker the gouache the better, David suggests Windsor Newton and Holbein as options. Bring color and white. He also suggests the Windsor 995 brush, but bring what you have. He will provide the paper.Bring a container for the gouache that also has a straight edge to be able to wipe excess off your brush before applying it to the paper.
Click here for some samples of Loredana’s work: https://www.kaligrafija.org
Italic Talk: At 9:00, prior to the meeting, the lesson is Italic Capitals, based on the Roman Letterforms and creatively adaptable.  Everyone is welcome to this free one hour session and bring your smart phones  to photo for later reference.
All meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion, 3270 Glendale Milford Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241, unless otherwise noted.
Letter of the Month: And it is a new year. And it is a new decade. And we are already twenty years into a new century!
Maybe some of you are old enough to remember ET. (“ET. ETâ€! – actual movie line ). Extraterrestrial, we’re not! This ET is down to earth, truly historic & very versatile.
The AMPERSAND is a visual representation of the phrase “and, per se andâ€. It is a graphic representation of the Latin “etâ€, which translates to “andâ€.
As Calligraphers, Designers of Words, we may sometimes want a filler that is smaller than the intended “and†or on the other hand we may want a more dramatic emphasis of that word.
If you have ever played with that two-letter design or have some in your reference file, please bring to January meeting and share on our SEE TABLE.
Oh, And the Guild is in it’s fortieth year. And life goes on . . . &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Anniversary exhibit, the big announcement I promised…
This is a big year for our Guild. We turn 40 years old this year! To celebrate, the Evendale Cultural Arts Center has given us an opportunity for our members to exhibit their work in September. I’d like to have some volunteers for a small committee to organize and brainstorm ideas for this, so you if you are interested, please let us know.
A few years ago I took a workshop with Pamela Paulsrud. She created an ongoing exhibit called Treewisper’s and that exhibit is coming to Ohio. It is made of handmade paper rounds and hung vertically like tree trunks. It opens this weekend at the Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio and is sponsored / helped in part by the Calligraphy Guild of Columbus. They made a number of these paper rounds and decorated them. Pamela will be there Sat. for the opening and the CGC will be on hand to demo calligraphy. If anyone is interested in a road trip this weekend or any time before March, please let me know. I’d love to have some of our members attend. For more information follow this link:
Dues reminder
It’s never too late to pay your dues. If you are unsure if you are current, just reply to this e-mail and I will check for you. To make it easy, here is the link to our Web site: https://www.cincinnaticalligraphy.com/become-a-member/
You may, of course, mail a check made out to GCCG to 9467 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.