Everyone’s Irish on St. Paddy’s Day

Please join us Sat. March 16 at 10 a.m. for our meeting. Cathy Brewer will lead us in learning / practicing the very Irish Uncial Hand. Things to bring:
- Your favorite Green ink
(or whatever ink/writing fluid you prefer) - Broad edge nib and holder, or Pilot Parallel Pen
- Practice pad or paper
- Pencil
- Water
- Paper towels
- Ruler
- Any other basic supplies you may need
As usual we will have extras to share, so don’t run out and buy anything.
Need Ideas for April
Should we do a paste paper ‘fun’ day? Other backgrounds? I think it was also mentioned about watercolor flowers. If any of those sound fun, let me know, or if you’d like to lead us, let us know that too. Thanks.
From our Friends at CBAS
MAKE YOUR OWN BIBLE: A thoughtful, not religious workshop with internationally known calligrapher, painter and instructor Laurie Doctor. This is a weekend workshop offered April 20-21, from 9:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m. EST each day. For more information please click the link below.
Thank you everyone who has renewed their membership. Between that and the studio sale, our treasury is a bit healthier for the first time in a few years. Which means, we can think about hosting a 1-day or 2-day weekend workshop. So, think about some subjects you’d like to explore for a longer amount of time than our 2-hour meeting times.
For those who still would like to pay you may use this link from our Web site to pay via PayPal with a slight service charge. Conversely, if you would like to write a check to the GCCG and bring it to the meeting on Nov. 18 or you may mail it to me, GCCG, c/o Jennifer Carroll, 1285 Stubbs Mill Rd., Lebanon, OH 45036.
Stay Creative. Stay Safe. Be Well.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.
All meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion, 3270 Glendale Milford Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241, unless otherwise noted.