Fill in the blank
Please join us at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 21 at the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion for the monthly GCCG meeting. Come an hour early for  study of the Italic Hand with Karen McMannon. MEETING CANCELLED.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been asked to letter upon? Mirror, glass, acrylic, leather, life preserver for a boat? Well, while I won’t lay claim to being an expert, I have written on all these surfaces. I’ll try to impart some of my knowledge, which has usually come from large amounts of experimentation.
Supplies to bring:
Bring a piece of glass or mirror if you have something small enough to transport safely. Bring any other surfaces you may want to try to letter upon. You could bring your favorite lettering tools, but you never know if they will work, so be prepared to experiment.
Repeat due to low attendance last month Italic Talk: At 9:00, prior to the meeting, Just and hour of playtime, titillating the Italic! We will write one word (wonder what that will be)! with the same pen, ink and paper, the same Italic style at the 45 degree angle, but breaking all those hard and fast rules so that the word visually expresses a meaning. Challenging fun for an hour and references for a lifetime.
Letter of the Month: Seriously, we want to see some beautiful “I.i” s and “J.j”s These two letters are very similar and sometimes misidentified for the other. Both are awkwardly gangly or are they? Please bring in versions you created or have collected to share on the SEE TABLE. You know we don’t say “J love you”!
All meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion, 3270 Glendale Milford Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241, unless otherwise noted.
UC Communiversity is offering Copperplate Script again beginning March 18, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 at the Victory parkway (Edgecliff) Campus. The first six weeks is learning the Copperplate Script letters and, if the students want to pursue, the next six weeks is learning how to use it. If you or anyone you know would enjoy this course taught by Karen McMannon, the website and registration is https://webapps2.uc.edu/ce/Communiversity/Workshops/Details/13454
2020 2020 Manuscript Illumination Workshop: This is a 4 day workshop April 23-26, here in Cincinnati. Click here to see the info.
Well that’s a bummer
News came a week ago that we were not a recipient of a Summerfair Small Arts Organization grant. We will continue to explore the possibility of 1. Having a free booth at Summerfair and 2. A venue and partner to hold the Treewhispers Exhibit.
General weather and illness reminder
Ok, since all of Ohio seems to be freaking out about the Corona Virus. I will make this statement. If you have an underlying health condition, please feel free to abstain from attending our meetings in person. If there is enough interest we could possibly do a Facebook Live meeting. As always the best thing you can do is be cautious, wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly, if you are sick, stay home, do not touch your face with your hands. You are more likely to catch a cold or flu in our area than the coronavirus. I say all this as I, myself am recovering from a cold.
In the event that the weather conditions deteriorate, such as snow or ice on the roads, please check your e-mail before leaving for the meeting. We do not have a regular account with the media outlets and it is difficult to alert them. In the event we need to cancel the best way for us to do that is by e-mail. Above all, be safe and proceed with caution in these winter days. We don’t want to have anyone get hurt or stranded in inclement weather.
Dues reminder
It’s never too late to pay your dues. If you are unsure if you are current, just reply to this e-mail and I will check for you. To make it easy, here is the link.
You may, of course, mail a check made out to GCCG to 9467 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242.
The Greater Cincinnati Calligrapher’s Guild is open to anyone with an interest in the lettering arts.