Holly Monroe and David Odgen will be present artwork that was produced at the International Conference of Calligraphy and the Lettering Arts.
Have you ever bought a calligraphy book for inspiration?  Usually the exemplars are so-so, a re-hash of previously printed books, but the galleries are fresh. Exemplars are fine but the artwork is what makes you want to get out paper and pen.
This presentation will feature artwork you have never seen and may never ever see anywhere. It is very exciting stuff and David and Holly are looking forward to sharing it with you. It runs the gamut from large canvas abstracts to tiny paintings on vellum.  They’ve been working to color-correct the images and if you love calligraphy, you will not want to miss this.
Forest Park Public Library (655 Waycross Road)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
10:00 am – Noon
Forest Park Public Library
655 Waycross Road, Cincinnati, OH 45240
Parking is free behind the library
Library opens at 10:00 a.m.
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